Are you tired of being the passive, pleasing and mediocre Mr. Nice Guy? 

Are you ready to take control of your life and become the leader you were born to be?


You think you’re not a leader, but you are.

Everyone around you is looking for one — your family, your neighbors, your co-workers, your clients, even your boss.  

They’re all looking for someone who inspires them and shows them how to be exceptional.

And you know you can do that — you feel it welling up inside of you right now!


The most powerful part of you knows the truth, but fear is keeping you stuck.

You feel trapped because your mind and soul are in conflict.

Your uncertainty and doubt are creating fear, but your soul knows what you are truly capable of.

Instead of betraying yourself, you need to listen to what your soul is calling out for because it will save you.  You need to answer the call and bring vitality and power back into your life, and I can help!


Still stuck?

You need to get moving!

Stop spending time here, when you could be there!

It won’t take long, but every successful journey require some understanding of what to expect, a training program, equipment upgrades and new tools, and the will to truly design your life.  That’s where I come in.



I’ve been there and I know the way.

I was stuck and lost years of my life,  including precious and irreplaceable time with my kids and wife. I was lonely and angry and thought I could figure it out myself and I lost even more time researching.  Three painful years later I finally found my way through.

It’s sad, and I could have done better. But by helping you gain the freedom and happiness you deserve, then it doesn’t have to have been pointless.  The truth is, we need each other.

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 Please don’t suffer any more — life is too short!  Start the journey toward becoming the leader and lover your soul is calling for today!

ways we can work together

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FREE GUIDE For Finding Lasting Happiness!


For Real Life Shit.

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Brendon helped me see that I have more power than I thought and that I could design an intentional way of living that suited me best. We worked together to clarify and focus my energies on what really matters in my life. He provided concepts, tools and techniques that helped me in my everyday life and I still use them to quickly shift to a more powerful perspective or even sometimes to a more curious perspective and it’s made a huge difference in how I approach my work and even how I relate with my wife and kids.

It’s obvious he wants me to be happier in every way, and I think it’s because he’s been there himself. He seems to have an intuitive diagnosis of issues- he cuts right to the heart of the issue in a really powerful way. It was a pleasure to work with him and I’m proud to write this testimonial.
— Matt Riggs






Best part: It’s straight to the point, it’s stuff you can use, and it’s not as stuffy as it may sound.




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